
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Types of Backyard Office Pods

    What is a Backyard Office Pod? A backyard office pod is exactly what it sounds like; an office pod that exists in your backyard. The pod is set up like a tiny home. It’s small, cute, and placed in your backyard. The outside layer of the pod is made of glass so you can enjoy the refreshing views of the outdoors while doing your work. These office pods are made by Yard Adu.   What Kinds of Backyard Offices are there? Yard Adu has three types of Backyard offices pods . Their office pods are: the zen office, the focus office, and the productivity office.   The Zen Office The Zen Office is probably the most compact of Yard Adu’s options. Though it’s small, this office is perfect for those who don’t have much extra space. It’s also good for those who think better in smaller spaces, or those who are used to cubicles. This office has two glass sides that are great for looking out and admiring nature. What’s really fun about this office is that it’s built on site, too! Cos

A New Twist on the Backyard Office Shed

  When people think of sheds they think of a crusty, dirty place to store you extra items. It’s where the lawnmower, shovels, sleds, and miscellaneous items go. Or at least, that’s what it used to be used for. Now, there’s a new, modern take on the shed: an office shed. A home office shed is basically a tiny house that is used for office work. The only major similarity between a shed and this backyard office shed is the size. Other than that, they could not be more different. For instance, an ordinary shed is usually made up of wood and concrete. Most don’t have any windows either. They simply exist as an extra space for storage so the garage doesn’t become too cluttered. The home office shed, however, is made of steel and glass. Whereas the ordinary shed is made to look like it belongs outdoors, the backyard office shed looks like a sleek hangout room. In many ways, it looks more like a pool house or greenhouse than a shed. An everyday shed doesn’t have any electricity or l

The Prefab Backyard Office

  Work just got a whole lot more interesting. With the Prefab Backyard Office created by Yard Adu, you’ll feel safe, productive, and ready to work in your very own office. The Prefab office pods are tiny office spaces placed in the customer’s backyard. They have room for whatever you may need; a couch for down time, a desk for actual work, a TV for brain breaks in the middle of work, etc. These offices are everything you need for those zoom meetings, long papers, and whatever else. The offices have led lights and outlets for all your electricity needs. That means no power outages and wifi problems when working. In addition to this, a prefab backyard office is just as reliable as a house, if not more so. The materials are fireproof, have ventilation systems, and it has sound insulation, too. This office can be placed anywhere in your backyard. Put it by the hydrangeas or the dog house. Put it out front so everyone can watch you work throughout the day (though the backyard would